Wearing a Mask


Darkness never ending

There have been a few bright moments which have helped my mood but having a NfH (neighbour from hell) hasn’t helped. It helped initially getting an interim injunction against but then he decided to bite whilst ignoring most of why we wanted an injunction in the first place. What makes it worse is that one neighbour has decided to be really spiteful and accused me of throwing stones at the NfH and Rick took pictures of his granddaughter. Now I’m 4ft 10ins tall, have osteoarthritis which includes affecting my hands and right wrist, and, we have a six foot tall fence so it’s impossible for me to throw stones over the fence. The NfH is tall enough that he could and did chuck stones overour fence. I would never chuck stones anyway but our friend parks his car outside his home so I wouldn’t want to hit his car accidentally.

Rick has never taken pictures of any female on her own except for family and we don’t even know who is the neighbour’s granddaughter. I’ve taken pictures to prove the NfH has parked up badly, how we park up to prove we are telling the truth and from when it was very icy earlier this year. We were both made prisoners of our home a few times due to him parking up badly where we used to and not being able to get across the car park. The NfH has cancer and has claimed that he is really poorly yet if he was that poorly he would be parking outside his own home.

A handful of neighbours have signed a written paper that our cats foul in their gardens. What infuriates me is that They can’t this and at least half of them have dogs including the NfH. He has already been warned by our enforcement officer from our Housing Association that if any cat is hurt or killed he will be blamed because of his threat. There are a lot of cats on the estate and a few visit us. An immediate neighbour who also added his name has encouraged our cats to go to him so it’s his fault so has no right to complain. He also owes us money which we know we’ll never get back. Fortunately it’s a small amount otherwise we would have gone through the small claims court to get it.

I don’t care what the neighbours think of us as we haven’t to any of them much as that’s the way we like it except for the immediate neighbour who has been very pushy. He claims we should be careful with the NfH as a traveller connection over this dispute which has gone on for about 17 months so far. My response has always been that if any travellers cause us probelems then we will deal with it legally and involve the police. As the neighbour knows we are telling the truth, witnessed some of what’s gone on and knows the police have been involved he is being very foolish by being prepared to lie for the NfH. People who tell lies eventually get caught out and for once it will teach him a valuable lesson if he gets caught out.

We have been attending a new church for months now and it is one thing that is keeping me going. The only problem is I hate going out as I’m worried about what he will do.

Why us?

I am so fed up of a neighbour from hell and it feels like he will continually get away with his appalling behaviour. He’s back to his usual of keeping an eye for when we go out so he can get to his gate and stare. We know he will keep checking so he can do the same when we return. If we go out into the garden he will stay out in his garden until he is certain we are unlikely to stay out there.

Today we went out for a couple of hours and when we got back a wheelie bin full of rubbish had been chucked over into our garden. We believe it’s got everything to do with the neighbour from hell but we can’t prove it. The wheelie bin had been chucked over the fence from the empty bungalow next door and close to the external wall of the bungalow. We also believe it was because we have replaced our security camera which had been snapped of the wall.

It’s now 8 months that the neighbour from hell as made our lives a misery and we still don’t know why. On Monday he started his abuse again after giving it a rest for a short time. It hasn’t stopped his appalling parking because he believes it annoys us. What he doesn’t seem to understand is we can keep a better eye on our car where we park now.

On Monday I hung laundry out in the garden as it was a nice, Rick cleaned up outside and our friend was with us helping out. The neighbour from hell came out and started on the usual abuse and that dog poop was being washed outside. I went out with my phone as I had it on to record but there was only water and disinfectant running under the gate. He was still shouting abuse then started chucking stones from his garden over our fence and aiming at all three of us. A couple hit Rick but we can’t proof it so Rick turned our hose onto him which didn’t stop him immediately then he did the same with his hose.

I rang the police while this was going on but of course by the time the police came out it was too late for them to see the stone throwing. The stupid person told the police as they were walking over to us to watch where they walked due to dog poop in our garden and we have a vicious dog. The police could see there wasn’t any dog poop and our dog is so vicious he licked their hands which made them smile.

The neighbour from hell told his usual lies so we all got the usual advice about ignoring each but as I kept pointing out he ignores the advice. He is good at trying different ways of annoying us then he starts on the abuse again. The sooner the security camera is working the better as it’s an audio one and will pick up all his abuse. He was shouting at someone that we’re putting up another camera and we know he isn’t happy. Our housing enforcement officer knows we’ve put up a new camera – we had to get permission for the first one to go up – and the police know now as well. It’s just a shame it’s not on until the app for it on my phone till Rick’s managed to scan it. More the reason for believing it is the stupid neighbout trying to cause damage.